
An End of Summer Celebration

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An End of Summer Celebration

Growing up, I adored the long, lazy days of summer. During my summer break from school, I could usually be found reading a book, sipping lemonade, playing catch, or hula-hooping. A couple of weeks before my summer break was due to end, I started dreading the thought of returning to school. Do you have kids who are sad about the prospect of going back to school? Consider taking your children’s minds off of school by treating the whole family at a favorite restaurant. While everyone is eating favorite foods, family members can reminisce about the amazing summers they’ve had. On this blog, you will discover the best types of restaurants to host an end of summer celebration at.


Cocktails That You'll Enjoy If You Don't Want Something Overly Sweet

A lot of cocktails are known for having a sweet taste, which can be appetizing in certain scenarios. If you're lounging beside a pool at an upscale resort, for example, the idea of a frozen cocktail that is loaded with sugar may be exactly what you crave. There can be other times, however, that you don't want to sip something as sweet. Whether you're trying to reduce your daily intake of sugar or you're simply looking for an alcoholic beverage that has more of a balanced flavor, you have several options. While it's always worthwhile to get your bartender's recommendations, here are some cocktails that can be a good choice when you don't want something too sweet.

Whiskey Sour

As its name suggests, a whiskey sour has a slightly sour taste — making it a good choice if you want to sip a cocktail that isn't overly sweet. While there is sugar in this drink, the sweetness is balanced out with a significant amount of lemon juice. The addition of whiskey, which certainly doesn't provide sweetness, can ensure that this cocktail won't be too sweet for your palate. Don't be afraid to ask for a lemon wedge as a garnish instead of a maraschino cherry if you want to avoid the sugar in the latter.


The negroni, which you'll commonly find in Italian eateries as well as high-end bars, is another cocktail that you can order if you don't want something that tastes too sweet. There are several different variations of this cocktail, but its central ingredients are gin, vermouth, and bitters. The inclusion of the latter ingredient, in particular, makes this drink a good choice for those who are staying away from sweet flavors. Although the variations of this drink can vary considerably, you shouldn't expect to find any variation that is too sweet.


Another cocktail to consider ordering when you don't want something that is too sweet is the Manhattan. It contains both whiskey and vermouth, as well as a dash of bitters. While you'll typically find a maraschino cherry sitting in the bottom of the glass, this is essentially the only sweet element in the cocktail and it's not enough to dramatically influence the overall taste of the drink. As is often the case with drinks, there are a number of variations of the Manhattan. In general, none of these variations will have an overly sweet taste. Visit a local establishment that serves alcohol to sip one of these cocktails, or talk to the bartender about another non-sweet option.