
An End of Summer Celebration

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An End of Summer Celebration

Growing up, I adored the long, lazy days of summer. During my summer break from school, I could usually be found reading a book, sipping lemonade, playing catch, or hula-hooping. A couple of weeks before my summer break was due to end, I started dreading the thought of returning to school. Do you have kids who are sad about the prospect of going back to school? Consider taking your children’s minds off of school by treating the whole family at a favorite restaurant. While everyone is eating favorite foods, family members can reminisce about the amazing summers they’ve had. On this blog, you will discover the best types of restaurants to host an end of summer celebration at.


5 Must Try International Pizza Styles

Although pizza, as most know it, originally came from Italy and subsequently became an American expertise, it also spread throughout the world at roughly the same time. Although perhaps not quite as well known as Italian Neapolitan or the varieties of regional American pizzas, other countries have their own unique spin on the dish. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about just a few of these incredible pizza styles.

Swedish Banana and Curry

Although it's hard to go wrong with a tried and true topping like pepperoni and sausage, Sweden has managed to tempt tastebuds the world round with their truly bizarre combination of bananas and curry. Although this sounds like a bizarre option, this sweet yet savory pie compliments its flowery curry and thick, juicy bananas with an equally as sweet and flaky dough.


Another dish that is both sweet and savory, fugazza is an Argentinian style pizza that is a double crust dish that is stuffed with mozzarella and topped with roasted sweet onions. The crust is both flaky and heavy and has even more onions cooked into it for a taste that is, essentially, an onion lover's dream.

Deep Fried Pizza

In Scotland, pizza is often served in much the same way that fish and chips are served: battered and deep fried. There are occasions where the Scottish don't serve it exactly the way in which they serve fish and chips. Rather, you can order the deep fried pizza without the batter. Is is often served on a bed of chips in order to complete the experience.

Australian Breakfast Pizza

In Australia, this dish is not strictly for breakfast, although the ingredients would suggest otherwise. A classic Australian pizza is made with fried bacon, cheese, farm eggs, and a sauce tailor-made for the pizza itself.


This pizza style is an Oaxacan delight and an authentic Mexican dish. You will find this open faced pizza in traditional Oaxacan meals and restaurants. It is served topped with beans, avocado, cheese, and delicious strips of freshly grilled steak. Often times, it is served with a side of rice.

When it comes to pizza, there are more choices from which to choose than American style pies. Hopefully, this brief guide has given you a bit of insight into the world of international style pizzas. You're sure to find at least one non-American pizza in the world that you cherish. To learn more, contact a pizza company like Original Italian Pizza Pa